Soldiers' Tribute


Braun Scott Woodfield

Our Eternal Love And Gratitude Is With You Always

 In Loving Memory of Braun Scott Woodfield. Braun remains a Canadian soldier who gave his life in Afghanistan so that others might live in freedom without fear. His name lives on, inscribed on the war memorial below which is located at Queen's Square, Cambridge, Ont. Visit him sometime...he would appreciate it.


Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield, from Eastern Passage, N.S., was killed on Nov. 24, 2005 in Afghanistan when his LAV-III armoured vehicle flipped over.

Dan Woodfield, left, talks with artist David Sopha about the painting and also about his son, who is depicted on the mural.

"You see the face, you can see his eyes, his smile. His smile is awesome," said Braun's father, Dan "Woody" Woodfield. Woodfield, his wife Charline Collette came from St-Antoine to the Moncton Legion branch #6 to see the display. Having his son and all the other soldiers' memories preserved in this way is special because it puts a face on all the lives lost.  "This is a great honour to them," said Woodfield.Sopha is in the process of painting 116,000 poppy leaves to honour every Canadian who has been killed in combat since the First World War.Bringing the Portraits of Honour on the road is a way of allowing everyone to come and show their respect to the people who sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan, he said.  "We're not just honouring the men and women who died. We're helping their families' grieving process. They know that their children aren't going to be forgotten. I think that's so important."

"I feel very proud to be a part of it. Very proud. I have a hard time accepting praise for it because it's not about me, it's about them, these young men and women who have done amazing things in Afghanistan." "Once I started painting this, I realized that it was too important. I realized that Canadians had to see it."The most rewarding thing for Sopha is helping the families and friends of the fallen soldiers through the grieving process, he said. "I've had soldiers drop to their knees and cry and say 'thanks Dave, you've given me the opportunity to look into my buddy's eyes and say goodbye.'", visit


A few fun pictures of Braun's earlier days:


In Loving Memory of my son Private Braun Scott Woodfield.

Who passed away while serving our country in Afghanistan November 24th, 2005 .